Greetings Pocket PC users!
If you are visiting Iron Works on a Pocket PC I would like to take
this opportunity to tell you about two freeware programs that will make visiting
not only Iron Works but many other web sites much easier and enjoyable.
The first is Macromedia flash for Pocket PC which is available at the
Macromedia site. It will enable Pocket IE (PIE) to play flash movies and games.
The second program (which I love) is RegKing. This is a VERY easy to
use registry hacking tool that allows you to pick from a list of pre-programmed
hacks to install (and remove) that fools web servers into thinking your Pocket
PC is a standard PC running Internet Explorer version 6.0. Visit the RegKing
site and carefully read the download and install instructions. This single
program will open up many web sites that you previously have not been able to vist.
I have endeavored to make Iron Works as Pocket PC (or PIE) friendly as
possible. I test each page using my Dell Axim X3i running the above mentioned
programs. So far the only PPC "bugs" on Iron Works is the movie in the Projection
room will not play (Quicktime) and the flash helicopter will play but when you
try to move it with your stylus it activates a link (trying to find a better one).
I hope you enjoy Iron Works, please e-mail me if you have any suggestions
or find any bugs.